I am here! huu! First step done. Bravo Lucie! :-) Well, the flight was great, though I was sitting in the middle of a huge indian family on my way from Zuerich to Dubai, which was a bit difficult then to take a nap, but at least I sat on the window and I was so deadly tired and knocked out I even had to force myself to stay awake for meals. In Dubai I had to wait 3 hours for my next flight and found an English chap and so we wasted our time together by chatting in the cafe. Once arrived, it was just all very hectic and these small Philippine-persons move, talk and walk so quickly, loud and hectic, I all of a sudden feel the need to stay calm....:-) After picking up my luggange and finding my way out of this mess I waited for somebody from the organisation to pick me up, but nobody turned up - well, I also would think about picking me up considering the weight of my bagpacker (19,6kg) .....But as the policemen saw me there standing waiting and looking out, they came and asked me if I am lost (am I this transparent??? got to practise my pokerface) - well, I admitted, YES I AM LOST and the organised a taxi for me which brought me to my hotel in Quezon City. In this city I am the one and only European and people look at me if I was insane, alien, VIP or anything other unusal species.So today I will meet somebody from the organisation to give them all the medcine and presents I brought and to plan my trip. I would like to fly to Palawan tomorrow to do some island hopping by boat and scuba diving, judihui!! Ocean, I am coming!!
Ich bin da! Bravo Lucie! Erster Schritt vollbracht. Der Flug war super, nur dass ich auf dem Weg von Zuerich nach Dubai inmitten einer indischen Grossfamilie sass, was es ein wenig erschwerte zu schlafen, wobei ich so todmuede war, dass ich mich sogar zwingen musste beim Essen wach zu bleiben. In Dubai hatte ich 3 Stunden Zwschenhalt und liess mich im Cafe von einem Englaender ansprechen, mit dem ich dann 2 Stunden faselte und dann endlich auf den Flug konnte. Nach der Ankunft war erstal totale Hektik angesagt, diese kleinen PhilippinerInnen bewegen sich und sprechen so schnell, dass ich auf einmal das Beduerfnis habe, ruhig zu bleiben....Leider wartete ich dann vergebens auf jemanden der mich abholen wuerde - naja, ich wuerds mir auch gut ueberlegen ob ich eine Schweizerblondine mit 19,6kg Gepaeck vom Flughafen abhole. Die netten Polizisten sahen das mir naturlich an und organisierten ein Taxi fuer mich, das mich dann ins Hotel in Quezon City brachte. In dieser Stadt bin ich die absolut einzige Europaerin und alle glotzen mich an, als waer ich verrueckt, ein Alien, Promi oder sonstwas Abnormales.
Heute treffe ich jemanden von der Organisation um die Medis abzuliefern die ich angeschleppt habe und meinen Trip zu planen. Ich moechte morgen nach Palawan um Island hopping zu machen und tauchen, juhuu! MEER, ich komme!!
3 Kommentare:
Great to hear from you Lucie...hey I have a contact for you in Manilla, it is a friend called James who is English so if you need tochat to someone let me know and I will pass you his details as he has been there a long time and can help you out xxx ps No sun here its rain rain rain!
Dear Gaynor
Thank you for your message! I will niot stay in Manila anymore if possible - and if only very short. Thank you anyway, thats nice! I use your lipbalm every day, love it! Take care, hear/see you soon! - my email: lucie.pfaendler@gmx.ch
Dear Lucie - welcome BACK in Switzerland - You must have had such a great time - Wowww - I'm amazed about your stories and all the pictures - I suppose - it was the best what you could have done - Ohhhhhhhh ......... so much sun, so much happy faces - such a Happy Lucie :-) Feels good to see you soooo happy - Hope to see you veryvery soon, BigHug and BigSmacks LaLeila
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